PLANT strawberry, is one of the main types of fruits are a major export commodity for a long time. Because in addition to exclusive foodstuffs, this beautiful fruit as well as the main raw material for food and drink industries of the world.
So every day, strawberry demand for exclusive markets, and local industry and foreign tourists in the tens of tons. Just unfortunately, this opportunity is not fully utilized by practitioners of agriculture in Indonesia. Yet when we look pontensi farmland, ideal for the development of the strawberry industry.
To date, the number of farmers growing strawberry plants in agricultural centers spread across Indonesia can still be counted on the fingers, and it still produces a small scale. Whereas the number of requests, to meet the market and the local beverage industry are supplied every day, ask for up to 13 tons or 40 tons per month more has not been met.
When you see the demand is so high, the opportunity to develop a very open area strawberry plants. Because in addition to conditions of very fertile agricultural land, is also developing its own seedlings can be done. Given the plant nursery is very easy, and does not need to use sophisticated tools and materials. Manually can. This plant is in addition to producing the fruit, while also developing new shoots as puppies that will become seeds.
Thus, the cultivation of strawberries in agribusiness will be very beneficial. Besides being able to harvest the fruit, can also harvest seeds at regular intervals. Fortunately again, despite considerable investment investment, profits were big enough.
Nutrient Content of Strawberries - Strawberries
One cup (144 g) strawberries contains about 45 calories (188 kJ) and is an excellent source of vitamin C and flavonoids.Unit category 1 cup (144 g)
Water 132 g
Energy 43 kcal
181 Energy Kj
in grams
protein 0.88
Total lipid (fat) 0.53
Carbohydrate, by difference 10.1
Fiber, total dietary 3.3
Ash 0.62
in milligrams
Minerals Calcium 20 mg
iron 0.55
14 Magnesium
27 Phosphorus
potassium 240
sodium 1.44
zinc 0.19
copper 0.07
manganese 0.42
in micrograms
selenium 1.01
Vitamins Vitamin C, ascorbic acid 82 mg
Thiamin 0.03 mg
Riboflavin 0.1 mg
Niacin 0.33 mg
Pantothenic acid 0.49 mg
Vitamin B-6 0.09 mg
Folate 25 mg
Vitamin B-12 mg 0
Vitamin A, 39 IU
in grams
Lipid fatty acids, 0.03 g of saturated
16:0 à0.02
18:0 à0.006
Fatty acids, monounsaturated 0.075
16:1 à0.001
18:1 à0.073
Fatty acids, polyunsaturated 0.27
18:2 0.16
18:3 0.11
in milligrams
cholesterol 0
phytosterols 17
Amino acids (in grams)
Tryptophan 0.01 g
threonine 0.027
isoleucine 0.02
leucine 0.045
lysine 0036
methionine 0.001
cystine 0.007
phenylalanine 0.026
tyrosine 0.030
valine 0.026
arginine 0.037
histidine 0.017
alanine 0.045
Aspartic acid 0.20
Glutamic acid 0.13
Glycine 0.035
proline 0.027
serine 0.033
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